Sunday, April 5, 2015

Week 2 - Shaping Up with Angular.JS by Code School

This week we are going to learn the basics of AngularJS.

Fork the fiddle "AngularJS: A Walk-Through - Week 1" and
  • Name it "AngularJS: A Walk-Through - Week 2".
  • In "External Resources" add Bootstrap 3.1.1 from the following CDN

note: Using a newer version of Bootstrap (from a standard CDN) will introduce subtle differences from the Code School example. 
  • "Update" it and "Set as base". 

Create a free account at:

Code School 

Start the course "Shaping up with Angular.js" listed under the JavaScript language path.

Complete the levels
  • Level 1: Flatlander's Gem Store
  • Level 2: Built-in Directives

As one completes the final challenge "2.10 Using Gallery Controller", replicate the solution in the fiddle "AngularJS: A Walk-Through - Week 2" ("Update and "Set as base") . Some things to keep in mind:
  • As JSFIDDLE does not have a mechanism to modify the HTML tag, use the "Fiddle Options":  "Body tag" setting instead, e.g.,
    <body class="list-group"  ng-app="gemStore" ng-controller="StoreController as store">
  • Instead of linking to a external JavaScript file "app.js" in the <head> as in the  Code School example (not a feature of JSFIDDLE), we are going to simply insert the JavaScript in JSFIDDLE by typing in the "JavaScript" panel.
  • To show the images, add the prefix:
    before each of the image strings.

Sample of Week Result
The result of this week is an AngularJS app, "AngularJS: A Walk-Through - Week 2" that will be used as a starting point for the next week.

AngularJS: A Walk-Through - Week 2

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